1: Match! Magazine http://www.matchmag.co.uk/
Genre: Sports/Information
Match! is a football magazine aimed at teenagers, that I personally have read only a few times. It contains a lot of different things including information about the game and players, competitions, free prizes (posters...), and loads more...
Most of the information given is genuine, although some times there are articles that have been taken from newspapers that are known as 'Paper Talk', which can be true but most of the time, isn't.
2: Top Gear Magazine http://www.topgear.com/uk/tags/Top-Gear-magazine
First Published: 1993
Top Gear magazine is aimed at anyone interested in cars and is the magazine for the BBC show Top Gear. It contains a lot of different things including information about the cars, car sports, competitions, free prizes (posters...), and loads more...
The information is all true and helps give an insight into cars and their manufacturers. There is usually an article of one or two sides by one of the presenters of the show: Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, or James May.
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